Nikka Rita 30 Year Old Apple Brandy (700ml)

Nikka Rita 30 Year Old Apple Brandy (700ml)

Named as a tribute to Rita Taketsuru, who supported Masataka Taketuru's dream of making whisky in Japan, the brandy was bottled in 2014 to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Nikka Whisky. A blend of apple brandies, the aroma and flavour are described as "Still lovely and sweet and deepening over time" - like Rita herself.

Taketsuru's association with apples dates back to 1934 when he experienced his first autumn in Yoichi where the locals were busy squeezing apples. The juice was to be sold by Nikka while their whiskies matured and played an important role in the formation of the business. Indeed, the original company name was "Dai Nippon Kaju", meaning "The Great Japanese Juice Company", hence there has always been a bond between Nikka and the local apple industry. Apple wine was released in 1938 followed by the first brandy in 1940.